Where did this little girl come from?


With the new things Miss Elizabeth has been up to lately, she’s really making the transition from baby to child. And I’m both excited and sad. I’m trying to just enjoy every stage.


Last time I posted I mentioned she started pulling up. Well, it’s just a thing she does now. Everywhere. All the time. Ellie has also started babbling with consonants (ba ba ba, da da da, etc). Of course, no ‘mom mom’ yet but…we’ll get there. She now has conversations with us and it’s pretty neat. She’s also discovered how to play peek-a-boo and it’s super cute.


Just yesterday Ellie started crawling even better. She just goes across the floor on all fours (until she gets bored and stops.) We’ll see if she keeps that up. It’s always surprising when she just starts to do something that yesterday she had no ability to do. Especially because she doesn’t seem to know she’s doing something new, so when I clap or get excited she just looks at me like ‘What, like I haven’t been crawling for months.’


Ellie had her ‘Early On’ evaluation this week. It’s a state sponsored service that comes out to your house and evaluates your small child on their motor skills, speech, social skills, etc. They came out and ‘played’ with Ellie for about an hour and their assessment is, for the most part, she’s somewhere between an 8 month and 14 month old! Considering she’s 8 mo adjusted and 10 actual, she’s right on track for most things.



The one thing she’s not on track is ‘self care’ – which at this age pretty much means eating. Which is something we knew. And I’m trying not to stress over. We’ll probably continue to see an Occupational Therapist to give us some ideas on how to get her to eat solid food better, and with more volume, well, until she does 🙂


Ellie does seem to enjoy feeding herself things (for two bites) so we’ve started having her eat lunch with the rest of the kids at school (cut up into baby safe portions of course.) I’m hoping that will help.


Here are some more cute photos that start to really show the personality of my little troublemaker:



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